strong>Spectrum Sharing and Management [clear filter]
Friday, September 20

4:00pm EDT

An open-access market for global communications
Friday September 20, 2024 4:00pm - 4:33pm EDT
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An open-access market design is presented to manage network congestion and optimize network use and value. Open access eliminates the walled-garden approach; instead, it commoditizes communications network capacity while decentralizing access to a transparent wholesale market. It ensures that scarce capacity is put to its best use by providing a platform for efficient trade. The market operates without friction using flow trading. It allows participants to bid persistent piecewise-linear downward-sloping demand curves for portfolios of products, gradually adjusting positions toward targeted needs. Flow trading allows fine granularity of products in time and location, creating complete markets. Liquidity and computational feasibility are maintained despite trading millions of interrelated forward and real-time products. Participants manage risk and adverse price impact through trade-to-target strategies. The market operator clears the market every hour, finding unique prices and quantities that maximize as-bid social welfare. Prices, aggregate quantities, and the slope of the aggregate net demand are public. The market operator observes positions, enabling it to optimize collateral requirements to minimize default risk. Priority pricing is used to manage real-time imbalances. An application of the model is developed for intersatellite wholesale communications with optical (laser-beamed) mesh networks in space, showing several efficiency gains.
avatar for Martin Weiss

Martin Weiss

Director for FutureG Applied Research, US Department of Defense
Dr. Martin Weiss is currently the Director for FutureG Applied Research, and Technical Lead for Resilient and Open Commercial Solutions within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. In this capacity, Dr. Weiss oversees multiple efforts to promote FutureG applied... Read More →
avatar for Peter Cramton

Peter Cramton

Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Maryland
Peter Cramton is an Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland and an International Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods. Since 1983, he has researched auction theory and practice. The focus is the design of auctions for many... Read More →
avatar for Erik Bohlin

Erik Bohlin

Professor, Ivey Business School
Erik Bohlin (Professor and Ivey Chair in Telecommunication Economics, Policy and Regulation, BEPP) is an expert in telecommunications policy, an inter-disciplinary topic concerned with the impact of digitalization in the economy and society. He is Editor-in-Chief of Telecommunications... Read More →

Simon Brandkamp

University of Cologne

Jason Dark

Cramton Associates

Darrell Hoy

Cramton Associates

Albert S. Kyle

University of Maryland

David Malec

University of Maryland

Axel Ockenfels

University of Cologne

Chris Wilkens

Cramton Associates
Friday September 20, 2024 4:00pm - 4:33pm EDT
Room NT01 WCL, 4300 Nebraska Ave, Washington, DC

4:33pm EDT

Dynamical electrospacetime model as a tool for spectrum management
Friday September 20, 2024 4:33pm - 5:03pm EDT
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Defining property rights in the electromagnetic spectrum is challenging because the natural laws governing the behavior of electromagnetic radiations are very different from those describing material resources like land, water, or air. Additionally, the rules for the composition and decomposition of spectrum licenses, thus created for trading in secondary markets, are difficult to derive and are generally not well understood.

In this paper, we employ the framework of dynamical systems theory to introduce a new theoretical model that captures the behavior of a radio service as a dynamical system that operates within a context of concurrently operating radio services. We then introduce the formal framework of assume-guarantee contracts for specifying spectrum operating rights allocated to each radio service. Our proposed model helps unify existing frameworks that rely on an environment-based specification of transmission permissions and reception protections. Our framework is in accordance with the FCC's 2023 Policy Statement that establishes spectrum management principles for transmitters and receivers.

Our work opens up an inter-disciplinary research program between the fields of spectrum management, robotics, control-theory and programming language theory. We illustrate the applicability of our framework with a simple two-system example focusing on FCC's recent 5G-vs-radio altimeter problem.

Prasanth Prahladan

University of Colorado Boulder

Dirk Grunwald

University of Colorado Boulder

Sangtae Ha

University of Colorado Boulder
avatar for Martin Weiss

Martin Weiss

Director for FutureG Applied Research, US Department of Defense
Dr. Martin Weiss is currently the Director for FutureG Applied Research, and Technical Lead for Resilient and Open Commercial Solutions within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. In this capacity, Dr. Weiss oversees multiple efforts to promote FutureG applied... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 4:33pm - 5:03pm EDT
Room NT01 WCL, 4300 Nebraska Ave, Washington, DC
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